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Human Resource Management in the Small Business World

Human Resource Management in the Small Business World



Owning a business can be the most rewarding and the most stressful achievement of your life. You are supplying the community with a service. You are a real name in the town now. Best of all? You finally get to make the decisions and be the one in charge for a change. You have been the customer and the employee. Now you are the business owner. Though this is wonderful it also comes with plenty of stress and responsibilities you never knew you would have to deal with. This is why many small businesses choose to outsource their human resource and payroll departments to companies like Vision H.R.

Is this the right decision for you though? When should a company outsource their human resources or payroll departments? There are a few questions you should ask yourself before making the decision rather or not to look at outsourcing options.

  • The Size of your Company: The foundation of rather or not to outsource rests in the number of employees you have. If you have under 10 employees working under you, then outsourcing may not be necessary. If you have between 15 and 80, then outsourcing becomes a much more viable solution. When a small business becomes large enough to branch out and the employee count reaches into the 100s, then an in-house HR department may be an easier route to take.


  • How Much does it cost to Outsource?: With any business decision, the cost must be factored in. Factor how much it would cost to perform the duties yourself or have another in the company do it for you, and place it against the cost of outsourcing. Also factor in the time and labor you are no longer using by outsourcing. If it will cost a little more to outsource, but increases your sales and business efficiency, than outsourcing can still be the best decision.


  • How Much Control do you Want?: When you hire an outsourced human resource or payroll company, you are letting them handle these functions for you. You are not giving up control of these departments, the outsourced company will work with you. If you feel confident in their decisions, then outsourcing could be a good choice. If you want control over all departments and are not generally open to suggestions or new ideas, outsourcing could become more stressful than useful.


  • What Do You Need?: Some companies offer more than others. Sometimes you don’t need someone handling an entire department, just a few smaller parts of it. Look for a company with various service packages to work with that will fit your needs. Going all out with an outsourced company when you only need recruiting services is not necessary.


There are several companies out there that will serve your human resource and payroll needs. Don’t settle for just any company. Take a smart approach to the topic and don’t be afraid to ask questions before coming to a final decision.

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