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Bright Office, Bright Future

Bright Office, Bright Future


How many films have shown the discontent office worker? He steps out of an elevator into a large room with copy and pasted rows of cubicles. He sits down in his own little dull tan or off white cubicle and clicks away at a keyboard. This is the repetitive recipe that makes up his weekdays. Everyday sitting in the same little dull colored cubicle listening to the crunching of keyboards. Just reading about his day kind of puts you in a worse mood doesn’t it? Take a look around, is your office the same way? A dull office or work environment can slowly drain productivity and the general lively feeling out of a person. Let’s face facts, no one wants to be that character in Cubicle 1-A.

How can you break free from the boring office environment and awkward small talk at the coffee maker while still being productive? The answer may be even simpler then you think. Some small changes can go a long way. If you are really looking to turn the office around, you can go as far as a new paint color or lay-out. Below are just a few ideas for bringing life to your both your office and your employees.

Encouraging Words: Employees know they are doing their job right when they get that paycheck every week or every other week. With a moment of your time you can make sure they know they are doing a great job. Post positive results as memos, such as how much profit your company made, or how many customers were served. When a mistake is made, don’t just correct the employee, compliment them at the same time. Find something they did well and blend it into the statement as you correct them. This shows them you notice more than just mistakes. It can demoralize an employee if you appear to focus solely on what they are doing wrong instead of what they are doing right as well.

Colors: Visually appealing offices can boost morale more then one may think. Dull colors can create a dull atmosphere. It is hard to feel energetic when you are sitting in an off white room. Light colors on the other hand can make a room feel larger. A baby blue is often considered an inspiring and spacious color. It has a calming effect and gives a room the illusion of being bigger than it really is. Light yellow can typically be better for concentration. Avoid bright or loud versions of colors, as they can be hard to take in and have a negative effect on people.

On top of a pleasant color scheme art work also encourages creativity. Incorporate art into your decor that blends into the colors of the room. Something that can be easily seen but not stand out. It breaks up the walls a little and gives a room more life. Plants are another great thing to add. They make any room feel less hostile and enclosed. It can also be beneficial to incorporate the local culture into the work environment. People in Ormond Beach Fl for example live beside the ocean, so an ocean themed office decor can help them feel less trapped and more relaxed.

Music: The crunching of keyboards, loud clicking of staplers, and the busy sounds of an printer can quickly get repetitive. The silence between them can be soothing for a bit yet even that becomes bothersome after a few minutes. We live in a technology driven society. People are use to constant movement and sound. This is one reason why music in the workplace can be useful. Music also has different effects on people. Various types of music can boost creativity, productivity, confidence, even emotions. Our entire state of mind can be altered by the music we listen to. Allowing an employee to listen to their own music via headsets or having a mutually agreeable radio station playing as you work can help boost morale and productivity.

Be Open to Ideas: An employee likes to feel important. Truthfully people in general like to feel appreciated by the people around them. Let your employees offer ideas on how to improve the office and boost morale. Try to implement them in some way. By doing this, you improve morale, productivity, and it makes the employee in question really feel like they are a part of the company, not just an expendable asset.

Allow Personal Touches: An office has to look professional, even when decorating it to boost creativity and morale. A desk must be clean and tidy, regardless if they work in a position where they face to face with clients or not. It makes the entire workplace feel larger and more organized. However it is good to leave room for an employee to add some small items to their work area. A family photo, a small plant, or even a trinket or book can make their desk feel more personal and in turn make them feel more comfortable sitting at it.

Lead by Example: Employees will look at you as an example on how to be at work. Be friendly, have conversations with your employees. Find common ground with them such as sports, cars, celebrities, music, etc. If they feel that they can be open and neighborly with their manager or boss, they can feel more open to converse with each other. Be the beginning link in a strong community chain within your own office.

Morale is important, and building strong morale all begins with the right mindset. Help place employees in a good state of mind by giving them a charming working environment. Clear up time for them and make things easier on yourself by letting Vision H.R. handle your payroll and human resource departments so you can enjoy those afternoon chats with employees in the break room.

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