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Time to Update the Handbook

Time to Update the Handbook

creating an employee handbook

One of the most powerful tools someone in a management position can have, is an employee handbook. They set out the rules and regulations that you can refer to when dealing with an employee. It details what an employee is allowed to do and what is prohibited. Especially once the employee signs their handbook, stating they understand the contents of it. After that sign it, they don’t really have any valid excuse to go against it. Of course, something so ultimately powerful has to be watched closely as well. Like a flashlight with old batteries, an out of date employee handbook won’t help you much.

Why do you need to update your employee handbook though? Isn’t it a firm foundation of what to do and what not to do? The reason you need to update it is because in the modern world, new trends and distractions continuously explode onto the scene. Let us take a look at some of the trends 2016 brought us and some that it left behind.

Poke’mon Go

Beard Fashion


The 2016 Battle for the White House


Instagram Stories


Tattoos in the Workplace

Colored Hair in the Workplace

And many more.

Of course, some of these were around before 2016, but saw a intense increase in popularity this year. Some of them are still popular as we enter 2017. A few though, such as Poke’mon Go, took the world completely by storm, and like any storm, faded away almost as quickly as it had come. With trends shifting so unpredictably, it is recommended to review and modify your employee handbook at least once a year. Some companies even choose to do it every six months.

There was a time when items such as tattoos, piercings, and unnatural hair colors were reserved for alternative scenes and lifestyles. You would expect a hardcore biker to ride down the street with sleeves of tattoos. Now though, there are places that let anyone from cashier to manager have them. Is your company one of them, or do you prefer to limit tattoos and piercings? It is okay to change your mind on the matter, as long as you let current and potential employees know. An updated employee handbook is a great way to do so.

Another trend that popped up and could use a little bit of monitoring is the Smart Watch. People are just not impressed with a digital watch anymore. Now they want one that can answer calls and play music. Should you allow them though, and if so, what limitations should you place on them? Employees have turned texting in the workplace into an art, and now they have a tool to make it even easier. That employee might be stopping to check the time, send a message to a friend, or watch a cute cat video. You have no real way of knowing. The employee, however, has an easy way to know if what he is doing is right or wrong. How do they know? That’s right, it’s in the 2017 Edition of the Employee Handbook.

With so many new trends, reviewing an employee handbook should not be done alone. Speak to your managers, or even your employees. Consult a company that knows more about creating and maintaining an employee handbook like Vision H.R. Take steps while creating an employee handbook that is comprehensive, yet easy to understand. Also, don’t forget to inform your employees about any changes you have made to the handbook. They can not be held accountable for breaking a rule that they don’t know exists.  

Creating an Employee Handbook

Vision H.R. | The Human Resource Experts