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Covid-19: Three Ways to Prevent a Human Resource Crisis

It’s no secret, COVID-19 has turned the business world on its head over the last few months. With businesses shortening hours, furloughing workers, and sending staff home to work offsite, managing your office is bound to be a little unpredictable. And where there’s unpredictability, there’s always the chance for things to go wrong.

How do you reassure staff members that their jobs are safe and they shouldn’t start looking around? Is there a way to take care of employees you have to let go? And what do you do when their working conditions don’t mesh with your needs? Join us, today, as we break down three ways to prevent a human resource crisis during quarantine in your Daytona Beach office.

Inform Everyone

If you’re wondering about the status of your business right now, imagine how your employees feel. As businesses weigh up whether or not to keep their doors shut, reopen, or shut down entirely, the landscape of local businesses is changing from week to week. 

Things might be set for big changes. They could be more stable than you’d expect. Either way, make sure to reach out to your employees on a semi-regular basis to inform them of what’s happening. Even when there’s no chance of things changing whatsoever, a little communication goes a long way.

Be as honest as you can, even in the face of impending layoffs. Being a “straight shooter” during this time will engender respect from your employees. If everyone is already expecting it, you can use this as an opportunity to make a good impression. 

Advocate for the best possible policies.

Across the board, human resource professionals are taking employee’s best interests to heart. Advocating for continuous health insurance plans like COBRA for laid off employees and other policies that benefit your employees isn’t just compassionate: it’s smart. You may need to lay someone off now who you may need to hire again in six months. The kind of impression you’ll make by treating them kindly when things are at their worst can’t be underestimated.

Be Understanding

If your staff members are working from home, they’re working with their home environment. If you hear children during a conference call with a client or have to wait longer than you’re used to for a response to your messages, the key tip is to relax. And have your managers relax. And to make sure your employees are well aware of how relaxed you all are.

Keep in mind: we actually don’t have this whole situation figured out yet. Sure, businesses have had to adapt, send people home, let others go and work in new and interesting ways. But this is unprecedented, and issues like these are bound to come up. To expect perfectly quiet, predictable situations, like any other year, would be underestimating the impact of this disease. Try to exercise as much compassion as you can.

Worried About A Human Resource Crisis? Worry Not!

The concept of a human resource crisis is bound to keep most business owners up late into the night. Luckily, though, with proper communications and a little bit of consideration, you can put an end to these problems before they become anything serious. 

Looking for professional human resource services for your Daytona Beach business? Visit Vision HR, today, and find out more about our HR team and online HR support services, and their benefits for your business.