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All About Using Progressive Discipline in the Workplace

When an issue arises within your workforce, how do you go about handling the situation? Often the way that you proceed can be detrimental to the relationship between you and your employees. Progressive discipline may not be something you have heard about. Still, it should be a term you begin to familiarize yourself with, especially if you are an Ormond Beach business owner. If you’re curious about how using progressive discipline in the workplace can better help your business, read on to learn more.

What is Progressive Discipline?

Progressive discipline is a process used by management and human resources to address job-related behaviors and issues involving an employee. This process is designed to help improve employee behavior and issues without strict punishments or consequences. The overall goal of this method is to help encourage and assist employees in changing their performance issues and works towards satisfying job expectations once again.

Step by Step of Progressive Discipline

The process of implementing progressive discipline typically involves the following steps. Each step is designed to assist the employee in increasing their job performance without a harsh consequence. The end goal is to help the employee address any underlying issues affecting their performance without jumping to conclusions, poor communication, or punishments.


Sometimes there can be an underlying communication issue regarding the performance of the job at hand or the job requirement. These issues can create poor job performance but can be solved easily with a simple discussion. Although these issues might not seem immediately apparent to management, solving them can improve job performance.

An example of addressing poor work performance would be asking the employee if they have any questions regarding the position and responsibilities. If no questions arise, it may be best to have an outlined discussion of all the essential duties your company looks for within said position. Another example would be addressing employee attendance. Perhaps there is an issue at home where the employee finds it more challenging to make it to work on time or needs many days off.

This step shows the employee that you are there to help them get to the bottom of the issue rather than discipline them for problems that may be out of their control. Not only does this help you create a better work environment, but it also shows your employees that you value the employee relationship.

Verbal Reprimand

The step above can often solve issues with employee performance without a verbal reprimand. However, if the problem does not seem to be resolved or the employee is making little to no effort to fix it; a verbal reprimand will be needed to address the situation more sternly. This verbal statement is documented and begins the actual process of progressive discipline.

Always Document Conversations

In cases where employees make little effort to change their behavior even after repeated verbal warnings, your company will have written proof of these discussions. These documents will come into play when and if the employee must be terminated. Although the goal is to resolve issues, it may not always be the case.

After verbal warnings and work pay suspension, it may come time to end the employment relationship if the individual refuses to improve. Documentation allows you to show management and the employee the steps you took to resolve the situation before termination. It is also a great way to show what was discussed within these conversations rather than relying on what he said she said when it comes time to terminate employment.

Communication is Key

Being able to communicate with your employees properly is key to running a successful business. Not only does it come in handy when solving issues involving the business, but especially in situations such as addressing employee performance. Progressive discipline allows you to effectively communicate with an employee while also showing other employees you are taking steps to resolve workplace issues.

Nothing is more detrimental to employee morale when you allow other employee behavior not to be addressed or work to improve the situation. Managing poor employee behavior should be a private matter. However, you can let other employees know that the case is being handled and steps will be taken to resolve the problems.

Using Progressive Discipline in the Workplace: Conclusion

Do you manage a workforce of any size yet feel confused by the lack of clear procedures, policies, and expectations for using progressive discipline in the workplace? Worry no more! Vision HR is here to help Ormond Beach business owners such as yourself with all matters involving HR. Contact us today to learn more about our services to help you run a more prosperous and growing business.