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Time Keeping Software Benefits

Time keeping software and devices help businesses monitor when their employees arrive, leave, or begin and end projects. They’re an important part of the modern business, offering a huge array of benefits.

And you might think you don’t want to run some miserable labor camp where you’re monitoring everyone. Well, the thing is these applications can be entirely helpful if you handle them properly, without micromanagement.

Join us, then, as we take a look at five benefits to integrating time-recording systems into your business, today!

Keep Employees On The Straight and Narrow

It’s a difficult position when you’re the owner of a business and your staffers stop meeting their deadlines. Nothing will make you question your approach quicker than half your staff members arriving late every day. Or working extra hours unannounced to rack up overtime.

And your employees aren’t necessarily slacking off by missing these deadlines. They may just be missing a sense of urgency or direction around deadlines. You need a sense of ownership for everyone, breaking the work process in your office up into a series of achievable deadlines.

Enter timekeeping software. Employees enter their time in and out of the office, when they arrive, take breaks, or leave at the end of the day. Everything is kept on record, tabulated and easy to read. You’ll be able to see where they best perform, share information with them, and use this data to make important daily business decisions.

Speaking of which…

Improve Your Quotes Process

There are few things more frustrating as a business owner than having your quotes called into question. These are the lifeblood of any operation, and being able to rely on consistent payment for the work you do can be a life and death issue.

Generate more accurate quotes with line-by-line accounting for all of your employees’ time spent, every day. This kind of transparency means a lot to clients, and will be more than a little useful to you too. You can base future decisions on your return for work done, gauge employee performance, and itemize your workflow for much better results.

Manage Contractors With Accurate Time-Recording

Of course, not all of your employees are going to be full time. In the case of freelancers and contractors, there’s even more need to keep up with. You’ve got workloads to monitor and hours to account for in order to make up for your ROI, overall.

When your contractors use the same timekeeping software as your full time employees, you cut out a lot of extra work, essentially making them a virtual part of your office. An accurate record of everyone’s hours means you’ll be paying for work that’s actually being done, for a measurable number of hours. This allows you to keep track of contractor performance so you can allocate more or work, intelligently.

Prioritize Strategic Projects

Something many people don’t consider when it comes to time tracking applications is that they actually allow you collate data that can be used in areas outside of employee management. Case in point, when you know how much time is being spent in office, working on this project or that, you can make calls on which goals are reached more consistently. You can adjust based on staff behavior, or when suppliers and stuff congestion are likely to coincide naturally.

Use this data to focus your strategies, and you’ll have a real edge within your workplace, based entirely on real-life data.

Compare Performance Metrics Over Time

The strongest tool you’ll ever have in business is the gift of hindsight. Now, you might be able to look back in a general sense and compare how you’re doing now to how you did when you started. But what if you could accurately measure your performance today against the days of yore.

See your improvements, measure your performance, and gauge the level of output coming out of your office from year to year. With this kind of data recording, you’ve got what you need to outdo yourself, year after year.

Time Keeping Software: A Better Way To Do Business

For complete time keeping and labor management solutions you can count on, check out Vision HR’s range of data collection hardware and timekeeping software. Because, without a solid grasp on your business processes, the most you can ever hope for is average.